2007 Tezuka the Marvel of Manga Franciscos Asian Art Museum in 2007

Fred at CWAJ

"I'd like you to know that I take been involved with a number of webinars since the lockdown, and yours has been hands-down my favorite and then far....And, it is past far the upshot that has garnered the most positive feedback. Similar me, then many people truly loved hearing your story nigh Kiyama and The Four Immigrants Manga."— Anne Marie Davis,Assistant Professor & Japanese Studies Librarian, The Ohio State Academy Libraries, 2020.

"Fred'southward...was one of the best book presentations I have e'er seen....I heartily recommend him as a speaker."— Taryn Edwards, Mechanics' Constitute Library, San Francisco, 2012.

"Fred weaved concrete communication with entertaining anecdotes in a very approachable manner. Information technology was an invaluable opportunity for our students to heed and learn from his experience."— Glen Anderson, instructor at the "Masters of Arts in Translation, Interpretation and Linguistic communication Education" programme at Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey. February 9, 2022.

"His insight and good humor brand a most interesting and entertaining speaker as well every bit a widely respected author on Japanese history and culture."—Jim Mockford, former chairman, Friends of MacDonald society, LinkedIn, July 24, 2008.

"Schodt is a humble and nuanced speaker."—Ryan Sands, Electric Ant, 2009.

"The main idea I took away from this feel was simple: whenever Frederik Schodt is talking about manga and anime, I should drop whatever it is I have planned and go listen to the man. You should, besides."— Grant Goodman, Manga Recon @ Otakon 2009: Grant's Report, Part 3, August 1, 2009

[To contact Fred about speaking engagements, send email to [ fred (at marking) jai2.com ],or write to Frederik Fifty. Schodt, 428-B Carl St., San Francisco, CA 94117 ].

Place: (Virtual) Talk on personal experiences to students in the "Masters of Arts in Translation, Interpretation and Language Education," Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, at class taught by Glen Anderson.
Time: 21:xxx-22:00 (PST)
Title: (Informal word due west/ no particular title).

Identify: (Virtual-Moodle) Johannes Wieninger's master class on Due east Asian Art History at the University of Vienna.
Time: 17:00-18:thirty (Vienna time)
Title: Osamu Tezuka and the Manga/Anime Revolution.

Place (Virtual): Chris Scott'south Japanese course, at The Nueva School, 131 E 28th Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403.
Time: 12:30-13:46
Title: Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy, and the Manga/Anime Revolution

Place: [ZOOM] Sponsored by the Mechanics Library and the San Francisco Writers Conference
Fourth dimension: 12:00-thirteen:00PM PST
Title: The Making of My Heart Sutra: a globe in 260 Characters, with author Frederik Schodt and publisher Peter Goodman of Stone Bridge Press

Place: [Zoom] Panelist on Cultural News webinar.
Time: 19:00-20:30 PST
Championship: Presentation of Samura Tools and Accompanying Stories

Place: [Go to Coming together] Webinar on Astro Boy for Igroup and Tezuka Productionsin Bankok, Thailand
Time: 21:00-21:50PM PST
Championship: Osamu Tezuka--the God of Manga, the Father of Anime...and Astro Boy

Place: [ZOOM] Sponsored past the Nippon Foundation and the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens
Time: xvi:00-17:30PM PST
Title: Transforming the World: How Japanese Robots Saved a Nation and Overjoyed a Planet

Place: [ZOOM] Academy of Ohio, University Libraries International and Area Studies Department, for the Global Comics Series. Organized by Ann Marie Davis, Japanese Studies Librarian.
Fourth dimension: 6:00-7:30pm
Championship: The Iv Immigrants Manga: How a Japanese Fine Artist Leapt Beyond Cultures With a Comic Volume in 1931
See here for more information on the Iv Immigrants

Identify: [ZOOM] Academy of San Francisco, Center for Asia Pacific Studies, Professor John Nelson class on Buddhism.
Time: half dozen:xxx-7:45pm
Title: My Heart Sutra: A World in 260 Characters

Place: [ZOOM[ Chris Scott's Japanese class, at The Nueva School, 131 E 28th Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403.
Fourth dimension: 13:00-14:00
Title: Henry Kiyama and the Four Immigrants Manga.

Place: Academy of San Francisco, Center for Asia Pacific Studies, Professor John Nelson class on Buddhism.
Time: 6:xxx-7:45pm
Title: "My Centre Sutra"

Place: USC Brain and Creativity Institute's Joyce J. Cammilleri Hall (BCI), Los Angeles
Time: nineteen:00
Title: "An American Musical Manga" (pre-functioning panel give-and-take with Min Kahng, Leslie Martinson & Julie Cho.

Place: Eimei Academy, San Mateo.
Time: xiv:00-17:00
Title: "Seeking My Heart Sutra"

Identify: Marsh Theater, Berkeley.
Fourth dimension: 19:00-19-30
Title: "Post-prove talk-back with David Hirata on Sumidagawa Namigoro and Japanese acrobats, after his performance of ""The Jap Box"

Place: Anime North, Toronto, Canada.
Time: fourteen:00-15:00pm
Championship: "Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy, and the Manga/Anime Revolution"

Identify: Anime Northward, Toronto, Canada.
Fourth dimension: 18:00-19:00pm
Title: "From Manga to Musical. Henry Kiayama and the Four Immigrants Manga"

Place: Academy of California, Berkeley, Dwinelle Hall. Professor John Nelson'due south form on religion.
Time: 14:00-sixteen:00pm
Title: "Thoughts on Religion, Manga, Anime, and Miyazaki." (With Beth Cary)

Place: Academy of San Francisco, Center for Asia Pacific Studies, Kalmanovitz Hall, Professor John Nelson's graduate seminar.
Time: 6:30-7:45pm
Title: "Pop Culture Waves: The Past, Present, and Futurity of the J-Popular Engine."

Place: Chris Scott's Japanese class, at The Nueva School, 131 East 28th Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403.
Time: 13:00-14:30
Title: Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy, and the Manga/Anime Revolution

Place: County Off-white Building, Golden Gate Park (off 9th Ave), for the Japanese Tea Garden urban center guides in San Francisco
Time: 17:xxx-19:thirty
Title: Henry Kiyama and the Four Immigrants Manga.

Place: San Francisco Comic Con, 550 tenth St., Oakland, CA 94607. Cosponsored by the Consulate General of Japan in San Francisco
Fourth dimension: fourteen:00-fifteen:00
Championship: Osamu Tezuka and Astro Boy: Creating the framework for the modernistic manga and anime industries

Place: Kinetech Arts, at Counter Pulse, 80 Turk St., San Francisco, CA.
Time: 8:00-ten:00
Title: Featured Artist Presentation, with Paige Starling Sorvillo.

Identify: Drew Loftier School, San Francisco, Jason Whiton's class.
Fourth dimension: 9:00-ten:00
Title: Why read manga? Why lookout man anime? Manga, Anime, and History

Place: Washington D.C., Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, AATJ (American Association of Teachers of Japanese) 2018 Almanac Spring Briefing.
Time: 12:50-fourteen:30pm
Title: "Edutainmentification" in Japanese Manga," as function of a panel on "Thematic Approach in the Language Classroom Using Manga," with Prof. C.J. Suzuki (Baruch College & CUNY) and Hideki Hara, head of the Japan Foundation Los Angeles.

Place: Drew High School, San Francisco, Drew Writer's Festival, Jason Whiton'south class.
Time: 9:30-xi:00
Title: Manga, Anime, and History

Place: University of San Francisco, Heart for Asia Pacific Studies, Kalmanovitz Hall, Professor John Nelson's graduate seminar.
Fourth dimension: 6:30-vii:30pm
Title: "Popular Civilization Waves: The By, Present, and Future of the J-Pop Engine."

Place: Tokyo, Japan National Printing Gild/東京、日本記者クラブ.
Time: two-three:30pm
Championship: English: "Cultural surfing: Riding the waves of transnational history, technology, and pop civilisation" /Japanese: Cultural SurfingーIT、歴史、アニメ・漫画、ポップカルチャー、異文化交流の波に乗って生きる. Moderated by Yukari Shiina.モデレーター:椎名ゆかり先生

Identify: Ascot Hall, Hotel Okura, Tokyo, Japan
Time: half dozen:00pm-half-dozen:45pm
Championship: (Acceptance spoken communication, in Japanese, at the 2017 Nippon Foundation Honor ceremony).

2017-09-11 to 13
Place: OTAKON. Walter Eastward. Washington Convention Middle, Washington D.C.

Fourth dimension: 4:thirty-five:xxx
Title: Creation of "The Osamu Tezuka Story"

Time: v:45-six:45
Title: How to Write nearly Japan (With Roland Kelts)

Time: 10:15-11:15
Championship: From Manga to Musical:The story of "The Four Immigrants Manga".

Place: ゆいの森あらかわ, 東京都荒川区荒川二丁目50番1号. (日本文芸家協会&荒川区主催)
Time: 14:00~16:00
Championship: 「漂流民から始まった対外関係・ 吉村昭を再読する」。関川夏央&石田千と一緒

Identify: SWET Volume Off-white and Special Lecture, Shimazono House, 3-3-3 Sendagi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.
Fourth dimension: 2:00-6:00 p.m. Chat with the amazing Leza Lowitz from four:00-v:30; Book Sale 2:00-5:45
Title: "From My Experience".

Place: Alumni House, Academy of California, Berkeley.
Time: 10:00 a.one thousand. (15 minutes talk)
Championship: "My Asia," first address to East Asian Studies department graduates. [Non open to the public].

Identify: Terrace Room, Cohen Hall, University of Pennsylvannia, Philadelphia, Penn Forum on Nippon Colloquium, hosted past the Middle for East Asian Studies.
Time: 17:00
Championship: "Professor Risley, The Imperial Japanese Troupe, and Philadelphia"

Place: Prof. Linda Chance course, 402 Cohen Hall, Center for E Asian Studies, Academy of Pennsylvania
Time: 13:00
Championship: "Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy, and the Manga/Anime Revolution"

Identify: Drew High School, San Francisco, Jason Whiton's grade.
Fourth dimension: nine:00-ten:00
Title: Osamu Tezuka and the Development of Manga and Anime

Place: 国際交流基金本部 ホール(さくら)[Japan Foundation HQ hall (Sakura)
Time: 19:00-20:xxx
Championship: 「~世界に日本マンガを紹介して40年~フレデリック・ショット講演会」(第10回日本国際漫画賞 関連イベント、モデレーターが椎名ゆかり). ("Talk past Frederik Schodt, who spent 40 years introducing Japanese manga to the earth.") Event in conjunction with the 10th International Manga Award, moderated by Shiina Yukari.

Place: Professor Beverley Curran'due south course, Science Hall N-220, International Christian University, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan
Time: xi:thirty-12:thirty
Title: "Reflections on Manga Translation" (マンガ翻訳を再考する)

Place: 明治大学 グローバルフロント1階 グローバルホール 〒101- 0062 千代田区神田駿河台1-1
Time: 15:00-17:00
Title: 第10回日本国際漫画賞記念シンポジウム (Commemorative Symposium in Conjunction with the tenth Anniversary of the Nihon International Manga Laurels") In Japanese.

Identify: Madeleine Graham's 7th & 8th form classes at The Odyssey Centre Schoolhouse, San Mateo, California.
Time: x:xxx-12:00
Title: Osamu Tezuka and Manga

Place: On a three-masted ship, De Nieuwe Liefde in Amsterdam
Fourth dimension: 16:00
Title: Acceptance remarks for lifetime award, at Ranald MacDonald Accolade Ceremony, Oct 11, 2016.

Place: Piedmont Middle for the Arts, Piedmont, California.
Time: 16:00-20:00:twenty
Championship: "An Introduction to Osamu Tezuka" (as part of the book launch party for The Osamu Tezuka Story: A Life in Manga and Anime, past Toshio Ban and Tezuka Productions, published by Stone Bridge Press, Berkeley, California, July, 2016.

Place: Academy of California, Berkeley, ORIAS (Office of Resources for International and Expanse Studies).
Fourth dimension: eleven:00-12:xx
Title: "Japanese Pop Culture in North America: From Woodblock Prints to Acrobats to Manga and Anime," part of "Pop Culture in World History" conference.

Place: The University of San Francisco, Fromm Hall - FR 111 - Broad Conference Room.
Time: 17:xv-18:30
Title: The Continuing Attraction of Hayao Miyazaki (with Beth Cary).

Place: Drew High School (Lingerr Senghor'due south 9th course course).
Time: ten:00
Championship: Translating Manga.

Identify: Meiji University, Nakano Campus, Tokyo.
Time: xiv:00
Title: 「日米をまたぐストーリー漫画の始源 ~アメリカに渡った日本人漫画家『木山義喬』~」 (小野耕世との対談)(Origins of Story Manga, Straddling Nippon and America-- On Henry Kiyama, the Japanese Manga Artists who Travelled to the America"; with Kosei Ono..

Place: The Asian Art Museum, San Francisco.
Time: TBD
Title: Henry Yoshitaka Kiyama and the Manga-Comics Nexus.

Place: Academy of Southern California, Los Angeles
Fourth dimension: viii-10pm
Championship: (With Beth Cary) "The Continuing Attraction of Hayao Miyazaki," along with planned screening of "The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness".

Place: Academy of Southern California, Los Angeles
Time: 12:00-1:30pm
Title: "Professor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe: How an American Acrobat Introduced Circus to Japan--And Nihon to the West." .

Identify: Academy of Southern California, Los Angeles
Time: sixteen:15-18:00pm
Title: "Two Unheralded Transpacific Pioneers-- Native American Explorer, Ranald MacDonald, and Comicbook Artist, Henry Yoshitaka Kiyama." .

Identify: The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, 4000 Morikami Park Rd. Delray Beach, FL 33446
Time: 6:00pm
Title: "Nihon as "The Robot Kingdom." For more information click HERE.

Stanford University
Identify: Stanford Academy, California. Center for East Asian Studies
Fourth dimension: 18:00-nineteen:30
Title: "The Standing Allure of Hayao Miyazaki" (with Beth Cary).

Professor Marking Blum's class
Place: Department of Due east Asian Languages and Cultures,University of California, Berkeley, Dwinelle Hall, Room 228
Fourth dimension: 16:00-17:thirty
Title: Religion and Manga

A.West. Mellon Comics Workshop
Place: Van Hise 104, The University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
Fourth dimension: 4:00-5:30pm
Title: "Osamu Tezuka and Astro Male child: Creating the Mod Manga/Anime Circuitous".


Identify: College of Business auditorium, The University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.
Fourth dimension: 16:00
Championship: "Henry Yoshitaka Kiyama and the Manga-Comics Nexus".

Albany Picture Fest
Place: Albany Twin Theater, 1115 Solano Ave, Albany, CA 94706
Fourth dimension: 2:10 pm Lord's day, March 29
Championship: "Anime talk: Fred Schodt on Osamu Tezuka + Rare Animations + Q&A".

Drew Schoolhouse'due south Writers Festival
Place: Drew School, San Francisco, California
Reading at school assembly writers' panel, and talk to classes of English teachers Lingerr Senghor and Doug O'Keefe.

Talk on manga and give-and-take with Suzuki Shini'ichi. マンガ関係の講演会&鈴木伸一氏との対談
Place: Tokyo. 区民ひろば富士見台 1階 東京都豊島区南長崎 ane-6-1
Time: 19:00-20:30pm
Info: PDF flyer Here.

Northern Calfornia Translator's Association meeting
Place: Golden Gate University, Room 5207, 536 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94104
Time: 2:00pm
Title: "On Translating Animation Director Hayao Miyazaki" (with Beth Cary)
For more information, click Hither.

Place: The Mechanics Institute library, 4th Floor Meeting Room, 57 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
Time: 6:00pm
Title: "Four Immigrants Manga: A Japanese Experience in San Francisco, 1904-1924," a talk with translator Frederik L. Schodt, and with Peter Goodman, publisher and president of Rock Bridge Press. For more information click HERE.

Identify: University of California, Berkeley, 180 Doe Library
Fourth dimension: 4:00pm
Title: "The Continuing Allure of Hayao Miyazaki", with co-translator Beth Cary, and Miryam Sas (talk moderator). More information click HERE.

Circus Historical Society Convention
Place: Auberge Royal Versailles, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Time: 9:00am
Title: "Risley and the Regal Japanese Troupe"

San Francisco Public Library
Identify: Master Branch, Grove St., San Francisco
Fourth dimension: ii:xxx-4:30pm
Title: "The First American Comic? Henry Yoshitaka'southward Kiyama's The Iv Immigrants Manga

University of California, Davis Davis, California,
Subject field: Professor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe. Details here.For study on talk, click hither.
Fourth dimension: 5:00pm
Venue: Cruess Hall 220

2014-01-03 to 05
OTAKON VEGAS Las Vegas, Nevada
Web: Info

Temple Academy, Tokyo, Japan
"Professor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe: How an American Acrobat Introduced Circus to Japan—and Japan to the West"
Web: Info
Fourth dimension: 7:30pm
Venue: Temple University Japan Campus, Mita Hall 5F (Access MAP. )

The Asiatic Society of Japan, Tokyo
"Professor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe: How an American Acrobat Introduced Circus to Japan—and Japan to the W"
Fourth dimension: 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Venue: Shibuya Kyoiku Gakuen (SKG) i-21-xviii Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002. (Access MAP).

University of California, Berkeley, Institute of East Asian Studies conference room (sixth floor, 2223 Fulton Street, Berkeley)
"Professor Risley and the Majestic Japanese Troupe: How an American Acrobat Introduced Circus to Japan—and Nihon to the Westward"
Fourth dimension: 4:00-six:00 p.one thousand.
Download flyer

2013-09-27 to 29
Anime Weekend Atlanta
Saturday panels:
11:30am "Astro Male child, Forever!"
fifteen:00pm "Professor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe"

University of San Francisco, Centre for the Pacific Rim
Tuesday, five:00 p.m. | USF Main Campus, Fromm Hall, Maraschi Room. Open to the public. "Professor Risley and the Royal Japanese Troupe: How an American Acrobat Introduced Circus to Japan—and Nippon to the West"

photo 2013-07-18 to 20
Circus Historical Order 2013 Convention
Republic of peru, Indiana.
Professor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe awarded CHS'due south Stuart Thayer Prize.

Koret Hall, San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, 3:00-5:00pm
"Professor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe: How an American Acrobat Introduced Circus to Japan--and Japan to the West." For flyer, click HERE

Jason Whiton'southward class at Drew School, San Francisco.
"Manga, Anime, & Circus"

New People theater, 1746 Post St., San Francisco, CA 94115
Slide show and Q&A at "Astro Boy: The 60th Anniversary Exhibition at the 2013 CAAM Fest" in conjunction with the screening of the 2009 film, Astro Boy (director: David M. Bowers)

Circus Center, 755 Frederick St., San Francisco, CA
Giant volume launch political party! 7-9pm, with acrobats, piano recital, readings, and music by reunited band, Just Friends.

The Mechanics' Plant Library, San Francisco. 6pm, fourth flr. meeting room.
"Professor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe: A Lost History, and a Lost Page from San Francisco's History"

Nippon Association of Translators (JAT), Tokyo, Japan
"Professor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe: How an American acrobat introduced Western Circus to Nihon, and Nihon to the West."

Foreign Contributor'due south Club, Tokyo, Japan.
"Professor Risley and the Majestic Japanese Troupe: How an American acrobat introduced Western Circus to Japan, and Nihon to the Due west."

Neu, Nippon.
[Talk on Henry Kiyama]

Anime Weekend Atlanta
"Localization and the Grammar of Manga."

ASPAC 2012, Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast, Gonzaga University, June 15-17, 2012, "Asia at the End of History & Christian Asia" 2012 Keynote: "Transpacific Japonisme, Past, Present, and Time to come."

Jason Whiton's class at Drew High Schoolhouse, San Francisco.
"Manga in Japan"

Philosophy S249, Quadrangle Edifice,University of Sydney, Sydney, Commonwealth of australia.
"Creation of a Manga/Comic Hybrid." Talk at OSA (the Oriental Society of Australia).

Cynthia Shambaugh's book club, Emeryville, CA
"Henry Kiyama and the Four Immigrants Manga"

Meio University, Nago, Okinawa,Nippon.
Briefing on global pop civilization. "Civilisation as a Strategy and Intercultural Studies: Mail-three/xi Perspective." 「 グローバル化するポピュラーカルチャーと国際文化学」

1001 Mariposa, Sacramento State University, CA
"Manga every bit 20th Century Ukiyo-due east: The By, Present, and Time to come of the J-pop Engine." --Keynote at the Second Asian Studies Program Symposium-- Reflections on Modern Asia: From Manga to Confucius.

Japan Information Center, Consulate Full general of Nippon 50 Fremont St. Suite 2200 San Francisco CA 94105
Kanrin Maru 150th Anniversary Special Teacher's Workshop. "Early Encounters Between the U.s. and Japan," with Professor Peter Duus and Gary Mukai. Yours Truly talks on Ranald MacDonald.

Rm. 142 Dwinelle Hall, Academy of California, Berkeley.
" The Attraction of Hayao Miyazaki, " with Beth Cary, for Dr. Miryam Sas' course on animation.

Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, Civic Heart.
Console discussion at the Asian Fine art Museum of San Francisco, with moi talking in the afternoon near Henry Kiyama and The Four Immigrants Manga

Japanisches Kulturinstitut, Cologne, Germany
"Cosmos of a manga-comic hybrid." Keynote address at "Intercultural Crossovers, Transcultural flows: Manga/Comics."

Ono Azusa Hall [小野梓記念講堂], Waseda Academy, Tokyo, Nihon.
Console word during 76th International P.E.N. Congress, Tokyo, 2010, with Takayuki Matsutani, Satonaka Machiko, Eto Mori, on how manga and anime have depicted the surroundings, with accent on Osamu Tezuka.

Kabuki Hotel, San Francisco, CA.
"My Japan"--Keynote speech at JET (Japan Exchange & Instruction) Program Pre-Deviation Orientation session.

Temple University, Nippon Campus, Tokyo, 12:30pm.
"Manga as 20th Century Ukiyo-east: The Past, Present, and Futurity of the J-pop Engine," Keynote address at "Politics of Popular Culture" conference.

Drawing Art Museum, 655 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94105. seven-9pm
"The Allure of Hayao Miyazaki," with Beth Cary.

Bard Higher, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, v:30pm
"Tezuka, Astro Boy, and the Manga/Anime Revolution"

University of Massachussetts, Amherst,Herter Hall 227, 5pm.
"Localizing manga in America; localizing comics in Japan"

SUNY, Albany, NY, Lecture Center 6. 7:15pm
"Tezuka, Astro Boy, and the Manga/Anime Revolution"

New People, Japan Boondocks, San Francisco, CA
"The Allure of Hayao Miyazaki," with Beth Cary.

<"GADGET OK! Device Art in Nihon" at the Broad Art Center, UCLA, Los Angeles, California
Keynote by Frederik Schodt: "Astro Boy and Robot Dearest in Japan:  The Nexus of Fantasy and Technology"

Kyoto Seika Daigaku (京都精華大学 Kyoto, Japan
Talk on the history of manga translation/localization.

Freer Gallery, Smithsonian Institute, Washington D.C.
Osamu Tezuka anime retrospective at the Freer Gallery, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.

San Antonio Museum of Art, San Antonio, Texas
"The Attraction of Hayao Miyazaki". In auditorium of San Antonio Museum of Art.

University of California, Davis, 1309 Surge III.
"Osamu Tezuka and Astro Boy"

Center for International Studies, University of Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri, J.C. Penny Auditorium, N Campus.
Anime at UMSL: "Postmodern Nihon comes to St. Louis--"a gratuitous 24-hour interval-long symposium where experts in the field of Japanese popular culture will share new and exciting inquiry." Yours Truly on panel on Paprika, with Roland Kelts, Patrick Drazen, Jeni Prough, and Christopher Born.

Center for Japanese Studies, Academy of California, 2223 Fulton Street, sixth Fl., Berkeley, California. 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Hayao Miyazaki Symposium. Leading scholars of Japanese popular culture, literature, and pic will discuss Hayao Miyazaki's work and his international influence in a roundtable panel discussion. Yours Truly is a "discussant."

Otakon, Baltimore Convention Center, Maryland.
Appearances on Saturday and Sun.

Nibei Foundation, Los Angeles, California.
"Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy, and the Manga/Anime Revolution"--presentation to Japan Studies Grouping.

Nihon Foundation, Los Angeles, California.
"Osamu Tezuka, Astro Male child, and the Manga/Anime Revolution"--presentation to Japan Foundation.

San Francisco residence of Consulate General of Japan
Brief talk at confernment ceremony for Order of the Ascent Lord's day, Gold Rays with Rosettte. Draft of talk here

Professor Saya
Shiraishi's class @ Tokyo Univeristy, Tokyo, Japan.
Discussion about the history of manga translation in North America.

Elizabethtown Higher, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania.
Discussion of Tekkon Kinkreet animated film with students, as role of Gorgeous Entertainment'due south Anime Masterpieces program. Nice review here.

Jason Whiton's grade at Drew School, San Francisco.
Discuss manga and anime with students.

Meyer hall, Freer Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.
Introduction of four animated films in National Cherry Blossom Anime Marathon.

Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Panel discussion with John Dower and Roland Kelts, after screening of Grave of the Fireflies, part of Gorgeous Entertainment'southward Anime Masterpieces program.

Stanford University, Center for East Asian Studies, Japan Tiffin Serial
At the Center of the Anime/Manga Revolution: Osamu Tezuka and "Astro Boy"

Japanese American Historical Guild Gallery, 1684 Mail St., San Francisco
Panel discussion with Jason Thompson, in conjunction with "The Many Faces of Manga" showroom.

Washington, DC. Smithsonian Institution, Freer Art Gallery, Mayer Hall, 2pm.
Anime Masterpieces series at Smithsonian Institution, Freer Gallery, Mayer Hall. Grave Of The Fireflies Screening And Panel With John W. Dower and Susan J. Napier.

Waterloo, Canada
Anime Masterpieces serial at Waterloo Festival of Animated Cinema. Grave Of The Fireflies Screening And Panel. With Brian Ruh, author of Stray Domestic dog Of Anime, and Central Park Media'southward John O'Donnell.

Berkeley, California, Pacific Moving picture Archives
Anime Masterpieces series at Pacific Movie Archives. Screening of Grave of the Fireflies and panel discussion with Roland Kelts, author of JapanAmerica, Susan Napier, writer of Anime From Akira to Howl's Moving Castle, and Ian Condry, writer of "Hip-Hop Japan: Rap and the Paths of Cultural Globalization." Moderated by Dan O'Neill of UC Berkeley.

Los Angeles
Console give-and-take at LA Times Festival of Books, Los Angeles--"Reading Manga: A Japanese Phenomenon Comes to America." Moderator: Charles Solomon. Other panelists: Lillian Yard. Diaz Przybyl, editor from TokyoPop, and Liza Coppola, Sr. Vice President, VIZ Media.

Tokyo, Japan. Temple University Japan (TUJ)
Presentation on Osamu Tezuka and Astro Boy to Paul Sutcliffe's manga class.

Tokyo, Japan. JAT coming together. Forum viii, Room 1206, Dogenzaka 2-10-7, Shibuya, Tokyo Phone: 03-3780-0008
"Tezuka Osamu, Astro Boy, and the Roots of Modernistic Manga and Anime." Price: Gratuitous for JAT members, \chiliad for not-members.

Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo American Society in Takanaka.
Lecture titled: "Manga and Astro Male child the humanoid, Nihon's postwar cultural icon," at Japan College Women's Association monthly dejeuner program, Tokyo. Details hither.

University of San Francisco, Main Campus, Xavier Hall, Maraschi Room.
"The Anime/Manga Revolution: Osamu Tezuka and 'Astro Boy'"

Feb 9, 2008
Washington D. C., Kennedy Center (Millennium Phase)
With Tim Hornyak (and Matt Alt) on Robots in Japanese science and fiction, equally part of the"Robotopia Rise Lecture Serial" at the Kennedy Center (Millennium Stage) in Washington D.C. Click hither for photos.

Fremont, California, Mission San Jose High School.
Julia Madsen's Japanese language class.

San Francisco. Japan Society of Northern California
Cosponsored by the American Friends Service Commission.

San Francisco, Asian Art Museum.
Book signing and talk at the Asian, in conjunction with the "Tezuka: The Marvel of Manga" exhibit.

San Francisco. Asian Art Museum.
Panel discussion on manga with Gilles Poitras, as function of the Nail Off! launch of the "Tezuka: The Marvel of Manga" exhibit. Pics here.

San Francisco. Asian Art Museum.
Guided tour of "Osamu Tezuka: The Marvel of Manga" exhibit.

Santa Cruz. University of California, Santa Cruz, History Section
Cosponsored past the Film and Digital Media Section, Oakes Higher, and the Eastward Asian Studies Plan. Details here.

San Francisco. Asian Fine art Museum
Lecture to museum docents, as part of training session on "Tezuka: The Curiosity of Manga" exhibit.


Source: http://www.jai2.com/ABE_Talks.htm

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